Friday, 11 December 2015

Unveiled process for Match Making / Gun Milan --- Astrology !!

Unveiled process for Match Making / Gun Milan ---  Astrology !!

Compatibility tests for bride and groom on basis of 8 different aspects of Astrology, known as Match Making/ Gun Milan is to understand the future of couple. All 8 tests give their unique prediction about both bride and groom i.e. - Personality, Dedication, Health, Physical, Strength of Love, Temperament, Prosperity of family between couple. Prosperity of family predicted with help of last two tests named as "Bhakoot" test and "Nadi" test give highest contribution in compatibility test. Out of 36 Gun only Bhakoot & Nadi gives 7 & 8 individual points to predict about future. Score obtained via addition of all 8 testes if less then 18/36 shows that bride and groom are not compatible for future aspects. Yet (18-32 / 36) are acceptable but after review some important tests again regarding blessings of God over couple. 32 or more out of 36 is perfect match and shows that both bride and groom are much identical to each other. Name of all 8 tests are according their contribution in scoring to 36  are : 

now we will unveil the secrets of all tests via the Janm- kundali of both bride and groom , their importance and the way how to do it.....

Test: 1 -- Varna Test:  Maximum Score - "1": : 

According to Indian Vadic culture Varna further classified  in 4 sub categorized   i.e - Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya & Shudra. All four are extremely unique and expert in their basic skills their expertness in their works and their personality. So, we can say that test-1 unveil the compatibility between bride & groom regarding their work and their all over personality. 
Way to test:  Varna test depend on sign of RASHI/Zodiac of Female/Male are explain below - 

Score Card for Varn Test:

above listed categories are according their scores. To check score Male should not belong to lower Varna then female's varna to get high score 1 as result , for example if Male belong to Shudra/Laborer varna then female should not belong to upper i.e Vaishya/Kshatriya/Brahman varna if it belongs to upper then score will be "0" and if female also belong to same varna Shudra then score will be "1" out of "1". Here I will explain one more example i.e if Male belong to Vaishya/Merchant means if he belong to RASHI (Virgo/Taurus/Capricorn) then to obtain score "1" Female should not belong to varna "Kshatriya or Brahman" .

Test: 2 -- Vasya Test: Maximum Score - "2"::

Vasya test used to predict about dominance towards partner in between bride and groom. the way to check compatibility score is as simple as previous test. RASHI signs are divided into 5 sub groups for this test. Categories are shown below..

if both bride and groom are from same Vasya then score will be 2 , if bride and groom are opponent to each other then score will be 0, if bride and groom Vasya in compatible to each other then obtained score will be 1 and if one of them from bride and groom is sign consumable to other then score will be 0.5 like Quarturped is consumable to Human then score is 0.5.

Score Card for Vasya Test:

Test:3 -- Tara Test: Maximum Score - "3"::

Tara test used to predict about destiny of bride and groom after marriage. Test is done via stars of both bride and grooms kundli. There are 27 nakshatra to process this test.

First of all we will find difference between Nakshtra of Bride to Nakshtra of Groom then divide this number via 9 and will check whether the reminder is EVEN or ODD. Same process we will do from Groom's Nakshtra to Bride's Nakshtra and difference will be divided by 9 and will check for number is EVEN of ODD. If the difference between Nakshtra is less then 9 then there is no need to divide them. If difference is less then 9 then check for difference, if its 0,2,4,6,8 then its EVEN else its ODD.

Now, if reminders of both process is EVEN then maximum score will be obtained that is 3/3 and both will be fall in category "Maitra".  If reminder of both are ODD then score will b 0/3 and both will fall in category "Vipat", Else if reminder of one in EVEN and another one is ODD then obtained score will be 1.5/3 and one will be "Maitra" and One will be "Vipat".

Test:4 -- Yoni Test: Maximum Score - "4"::

Yoni test is very very useful to predict about Mentality and Physical-Compatibility in relation of both Bride & Groom. Yoni represented by 14 type of different animals and their Physical Characteristics. Yoni depends on Nakshtra of native's -- . for ex. if a Human born in Nakshtra "Shatbhisha or Ashwini" then Yoni will be Ashv/Horse.
Now we will understand the process to check score for Yoni compatibility test---

All above Yoni's described in 5 marking systems according the behavior of animals towards each other.  i.e. -

-- if both bride and groom belong to same Yoni, then obtained score will be 4/4.
-- if both are friendly to each other then obtained score will be 3/4.
-- if both are neutral for each other then obtained score will be 2/4.
-- if both are enemy  for each other then obtained score will be 1/4
-- and if both are thirsty for blood to each other or born enemy to each other then score will be 0.

Score Card for Yoni Test

*Yoni compatibility test is so debatable so here i would not like to say much about this time.

Test:5 -- Grah Maitri: Maximum Score - "5" ::

This test is used to predict about strength of love in between couples, dedication towards each other, nd how much they will be  loyal to each other can analyse by Grah-Maitri test's obtained score. Now I will let you know about the process to test for Grah-Maitri..this test is achieved by comparing the "lord of Sign" / "Rashi-Swami"  of both bride and groom.
-- if both lords of sign are same or friendly then the obtained score will be 5 out of 5.
-- if one lords of sign is friendly and other one is neutral then score will be 4/5.
-- if both lords of sign are neutral then score will be 3/5.
-- if one lord of sign is friendly and other view it as enemy then score will b 1/5.
-- if one lord is neutral and other view it as enemy then score will be   0.5/5 .
-- nd if both view to each other as enemy then score will be 0/5.

Score card according lord sign and their relations and views for each other.

Test:6 -- Gann: Maximum Score - "6" ::

This test give its contribution 6/36 and help to give information about temperament between couple. It help to understand about dominance will be there or mutual patience will over come to dominant nature to individual. Before we start to perform this test here I will let you know that here we will firstly understand about basic of Gann test. In astrology 27 nakshtr's divided  into three different group named as "Devta/Divine" , "Manushya/Human" and third one is "Rakshas/Demon". The person who belong to "Rakshas/Demon" group are more dominant in nature comparing to other groups. Devta/Divine and Rakshs/Demon both are opposite in nature so compatibility between this kind on couple is not Good and obtained score will be 0/6. Compatibility chart is shown below...

Gann & Nakshtra Chart:

Score card for Gann test :

Test:7 -- Bhakoot : Maximum Score - "7" ::

This test is used to know about "Prosperity of family" in couple. Bhakoot test is achieved by counting the distance from brides rashi to grooms rashi. if the distance is 1,3,4,7,10,11 arrive then this is known as auspicious Bhakoot, and the obtained score will be 7/7. if the distance is 2,5,6,8,9,12 then this is In-auspicious Bhakoot , and the obtained score will b 0/7. In-auspicious Bhakoot is known as Bhakoot Dosh. In presence of Bhakoot dosh it shows lack of intimacy between couple. Here i would like to show u an example for counting the distance from brides rashi to grooms rashi--Suppose Girl is from Virgo/Kanya and boy is from Kumbh rashi then start counting from Kanya to Kumbh, result is 5. So, score will b 0/7 and here is Bhakoot dosh.

Score Card for Bhakoot Test: -

Test:8 -- Nadi : Maximum Score - "8" ::

Nadi test is the last and the most important test among all 8 tests for Match making process. It contribute 8/36 points and important from the point of view of Prosperity of family by couple together with Bhakoot test. The process of this test is very simple that bride and groom both should not have same Nadi. Here to perform this test firstly we again break nakshtr's in three different group named as "Adi/Vata", "Madhya/Pitta" and last one is "Antya/Kapha". if bride and groom both have same Nadi then obtained score will b 0/8 and if both have different Nadi then obtained score will be 8/8 and there will be no Nadi dosh. 

Nadi & Nakshtra Chart:

Score Card for Nadi Test:

Disclaimer: .This article is for only educational or learning purpose. I am not responsible for any consequences  to anyone in any manner.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Way to Slipstream SATA driver to Windows Xp....Help!! Install WIndow Xp in Hp Laptop!!!

How to Slipstream SATA driver into Window Xp.....??

In laptops of HP which one has main-board of series 5 or greater than this,  You can not install Windows Xp from CD or Removable drive without slipstream SATA/AHCI driver into installation media because without it your installation media will not find any hard drive in your laptop. Now , as we are more habitual for Window Xp so we spent a lot of time with Xp so I would like to show you the way to be able to install your most favorable operating system window Xp in your Hp's Laptop.


1. Original Windows Xp installation disk.
2.  n-Lite  
3. Intel Mobile Express Chip-set family SATA driver . (Google)
4. CPU-Z
5. Novicorp's  WinToflash to make bootable Xp's installation removable drive.

now follow the procedure explained below.

1. --- Copy the original Windows Xp installation disk somewhere in your hard drive, where ever you want to save.

2. --- Execute Cpu-z to check information about your laptops hardware as shown below in picture. i.e in below picture its showing that my laptop has Intel 7 series main board.

3. --- Now, firstly Google for SATA driver for your hardware.

4. --- Execute n-lite and follow the steps showing in pictures below.

Click on Next button...

 Browse location of content copied from installation disk in your hard drive and click on next...

Click on Drivers button, the dot indication will be green after selected....

Click on Insert then choose Single driver and then click on next....

Browse SATA driver downloaded for your hardware and choose iaAHCI.inf  ..... 

In textmode driver choose right driver according your hardware, as i selected Intel 7 series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controler and click next.....

Click Next....

Click Next...

Click Finish....

Now you have completed the process to slipstream driver into installation package.

5. --- Now make an bootable pen-drive to install Xp on your laptop. Here I would like to suggest 3rd party tool i.e Novicorp's WintoFlash software.

This tutorial  is for only educational purpose. I am not responsible for any damage occur  to your hardware or any loss occur to anyone in any manner. Suggested third party soft-wares from personal experience and there is no advertising in any manner.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Top 3 alternatives of carrying removable drive in pocket...!!!

Top 3 alternatives of carrying removable drive in pocket...!!!

Carrying Pen drive or Removable disk everywhere in pocket means carrying tech-viruses in pocket to infect PC to PC. This fashion has both pros and con. The pros of using external devices as a storage solution far outweigh its cons. Main  advantage of this kind of storage device is its portability being a separate device from your PCs. So, you can use it anywhere you are without the need to bring your desktop PCs with you.
With the increasing use of Cloud storage, pen drives and other storage mediums are less preferred. In today’s scenario with high internet usage affording internet connections, smart phones and carrying data is not so difficult.
Because of the recent technological development, in order to carry large data we need not to carry any physical storage device with us, the only requirement is a Smartphone and an active data connection. This is the best and most preferred alternative which is commonly known as cloud –storage. Cloud Storage is type of digital storage at hosting companies’ server. Which is more secure safer and far away from the risk of stolen and infection from viruses. Some examples of cloud storage are listed below...

1. Google Drive
2. One Drive

3. Dropbox

Above mentioned alternative are available on both desktop and mobile platform. To use this in your smart phones you need to install their app from app stores. After installing app and registration you will be able to logon to access your data safely. In windows platform of desktop you can install its application to directly access them from your explorer as drive.

Process to Set-up and Pros are explained below:

Google Drive:  Google drive is freely available up-to a limit of 15 GB for everyone, the thing you need to avail it is an account on Google.

---> Click to avail:  Google-Drive <---

then, Install Google Drive on your Smartphone and computer to access and to keep your file safe with it.

One Drive: One drive is also freely available up-to a limit of 15 GB for everyone, the thing you need to avail it is an account on Microsoft.

---> Click to avail:  One-drive <---

then, Install One drive on your smartphone and you can access via. office 360, directly from explorer in window 10.

Drop-Box:  Drop-Box provide 2 GB free storage @ time of registration to users. The thing you need to avail it an account on Drop-Box.

---> Click to avail:   Drop-Box <---

lateron you can access services from your smartphone, computer, web browser. Its avail for Android, IOS, Mac Os, Windows.

except above named services there are more options are available like:  SugarSync, I-cloud, SUN, Source, Amazon Web Services, IBM, 3tera, OpenD, EMC, vmware etc ....etc...aprox 100 companies.

Note: Above mentioned name are only for explanation. there is no advertising in any manner. This is based on personal experience and its only for awareness.  Companies policies may change according them, Read carefully before use. I am not responsible for any controversies. 

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Change color of Progress-bar in Your Smart-PHONE----(THEME-ANDROID)

Disclaimer: Altering the OS(Android) of Smartphones means to update it via rooting or any other custom ROM in such manner that it render your device unusable, that brick phone will not be able to boot and stuck in boot-loop. A brick phone is "dead-phone", which can not perform any task.This article is for only educational purpose. I am not responsible for any damage occur  to your phone or any loss occur to anyone in any manner.

How to Change color of Progress-bar in Your Smart-PHONE----(THEME-ANDROID):

To do this you need to follow the below steps:


To change color of progress bar of  your android you should have some basic things with you :

1. Rooted Android Phone.
2. Data Cable
3. Root Explorer
4. Apk Compiler/De-Compiler
5. Photoshop color picker to know the Hex-value of your desired color.
6. XML editor (i.e - Notepad/Notepad++)


1. Root Your Android Smartphone. (How to Root..?)

2. Install Root-explorer and copy-pest firmware.apk  to your computer. Now decompile with help of       any decompiler (Google for apk Decompiler/Compiler i.e Tickle My android, Kitchen Android)

3. Look for Progress_horizontal.xml in ->  res/drawable folder of de-compiled apk.

4. Open it with XML editor and look for Hex values shown below and change them according to             your's choice of color, leave (FF) starting two digit of hex value unchanged. To know about hex          value of your's choice color look it in adobe Photoshop.


5. Change the values and re-compile firmware.apk.

6. Copy and replace in your phone with help of Root explorer.

7. Restart Your phone.

Note: Some Hex values from my side

Green:          (ff1ffb02)
Yellow:        (fff2fb02)
Cyan-Blue:  (ff33b5e5)

For any other query please write your problem in comment box. I will try my best to resolve them.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Weekly G.K Updates from (July 8,2015 - July 14,2015)

Weekly G.K Updates from (July 8,2015 - July 14,2015)

  • World Bank has ranked the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) as the world’s largest public works programme.

  • Ashok Haldia appointed MD and CEO of PTC India Financial Services.

  • India and Kazakhstan launched the first exploratory drilling at Satpayev oil block owned by India’s ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL) and Kazakhstan company KazMunaiGaz.

  • eMudhra launches eSign Services. -- ESign is an online electronic signature service which can facilitate an Aadhaar holder to digitally sign a document within seconds. The signatures generated by eSign are legally valid and secure under the Information Technology Act, 2000.

  • Credit Information Bureau India Ltd (CIBIL), India’s leader in credit information, has appointed Satish Pillai as its new Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer on July 9,2015

  • Professor Lord Kamlesh Patel has become the first British Asian to be appointed as Director of England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB).

  • Union government has appointed Sriram Kalyanaraman as the Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of National Housing Bank (NHB) for a period of five years.

  • Sanjeev Nandan Sahai appointed as Delhi's new Home Secretary 

  • Uttarakhand gets India’s first earthquake early warning system in its capital Dehradun which will issue warnings 1-40 seconds before earthquakes of magnitude 5 or more occur.

  • Air India on Friday formally became a member of Star Alliance, a conglomeration of 26 overseas airlines.

  • Tata Steel’s West Bokaro Division conferred with Golden Peacock Environment Management Award 2015

  • Book - "Green Signals: Ecology, Growth, and Democracy in India"- written by Jairam Ramesh

  • IPL scam: Apex court suspends Rajasthan Royals, CSK for two years.

  • Lt General Man Mohan Singh Rai appointed as Vice-Chief of Indian Army

  • The Income Tax (IT) Department on 13 July 2015 launched One Time Password (OTP) based e-filing verification system for taxpayers. This OTP will help in ending the practice of sending paper acknowledgement, called ITR-V, through post to the I-T Central Processing Centre (CPC) based in Bengaluru.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Weekly G.K Updates from (June 15,2015 - June 21,2015)

Weekly G.K Updates from (June 15,2015 - June 21,2015)

  • BSNL Launched its free roaming services across all over India, It will allow to its customer to receive incoming call at no cost while on roaming.

  • Union Govt. (MSME) launched a digital Employment Exchange for Industries (EEX) portal "" which will connect employers and job seekers.

  • PM Narendra Modi launched book titled " Education of Muslims - by Professor JS Rajput"

  • The government  appointed to Nilesh Sathe (CEO of LIC Nomura Mutual Fund Asset Management Company), as the member  of  Life insurance regulator IRDAI.

  • Indian Railway changed the name of Train No (19031/19032)-- Ahmedabad-Haridwar-Ahmedabad-- famously known as Haridwar Mail  as "Yoga Express".

  • Prolific striker -- Sunil Chhetri  became the first Indian footballer to score 50 international goals during his team's 2018 World Cup qualifying match against Guam.

  • Book titled Modi - Incredible emergence of a star in Chinese language written by Tarun Vijay, The book is a biography based on the life and economic vision of Narendra Modi.

  • IPS officer Archana Ramasundaram has been moved out of the CBI and appointed as Director of 'National Crime Records Bureau' (NCRB).

  • State owned telecommunications giant Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has announced to set up 40,000 Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) hot spots across the country.

  • Union Cabinet approved Solar Power capacity target to 1 lakh MW under JNNSM by 2022.

  • The Union Government  decided to increase the number of workdays under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural 

  • Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) from 100 days to 150 days in drought-affected areas of the country. 

  • Beno Zephine becomes first 100% blind officer in IFS. She was working as P.O for SBI.

  • NOWCAST launched, It will be used to send SMS alerts on extreme weather data like thunderstorm and squall originated by India Meteorological Department (IMD) to over one crore farmers whose mobile numbers are registered on government’s mKisan portal.

  • India-born former Google executive Nikesh Arora has been appointed the President of Japan’s telecommunications giant Soft Bank Corp.

  • June 21 observed as International Yoga Day.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Weekly G.K Updates from (June 8,2015 - June 14,2015)

Weekly G.K updates from (June 8,2015 - June 14,2015)

  • R C Tayal appointed as new Director General of National Security Guard (NSG)

  • ISRO awarded by US' National Space Socity for its Mangalyan Mars Orbit Mission (MOM).

  • ICICI Bank Appoints MK Sharma As Non-Executive Chairman for Five Years.

  • Anantjeet Singh Naruka won GOLD in the skeet match  in the 7th International junior shotgun cup that concluded in Finland.

  • NCR now got more bigger;  Jind & karnal of Haryana, Muzaffarnagar of U.P added in National Capital Region (NCR).

  • Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT), has decided to launch its own e-commerce portal in the next three months, proposed name 'e-Lala' will provide a direct interface between sellers and consumers, thereby eliminating the commission which the sellers need to pay.

  • Microsoft started re-branding of Nokia Priority Stores as Microsoft Priority Resellers.

  • Kapil Mishra suceed Mr. Tomar as new Delhi's Law Minister. Mr. Tomar had down after being arrested over allegations that he had faked his law degree.

  • SEBI' in action against illicit fund-raising in a big way, SEBI has cracked down on nearly 200 such activities in last one year relating to fraud against gullible investors.

  • Stanford scientist  Manu Prakash,  has now come up with a computer that works by moving water droplets.

  • Gopkumar appointed as  CEO of broking, distribution business in Reliance Capital.

  • Dr. Srivari Chandrasekhar appointed as Director of CSIR- Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT).

  • CEO of Twitter Inc. resigned on June 11, 2015. He served the company for Five years.

  • June 14, observed across the world as 'World Blood Donor Day' .

  • Minister of State for external affairs VK Singh inaugurates first India-China Yoga College at Yunnan Minzu University, China.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Weekly G.K Updates from (June 1,2015 - June 7, 2015)

Weekly G.K Updates from (June 1,2015 - June 7, 2015)

  • Dilwar Singh of Haryana won 'Pedal' for Kashmir cycling race.

  • Deepika Kumari won bronze in Antalya Archery World Cup.

  • Jyoti Prasad Rajkhowa sworn-in as Arunachal Pradesh Governor

  • Edward Snowden won a Norwegian prize for freedom of expression

  • India has jumped six places to 141st position in the latest rankings released by world football’s governing body FIFA

  • R.Seshasayee appointed as Non-Executive  Chairman of the Board of Infosys Limited.

  • Essel Group formed a 50:50 joint venture (JV) with the Rajasthan government to set up solar parks in the state with Rs. 4K Crore.

  • Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu and his wife Bhuvaneswari performed bhoomi pooja at around 8.49 a.m. for the new capital — Amaravati — at Mandadam village in Guntur district.

  • 'Reliance Power' signed an agreement to invest $ 3 billion in setting up a mega power plant and a floating LNG import terminal in Bangladesh which faces acute power shortages.

  • S Christopher, 59, as Secretary, Department of Defense Research and Development-cum-Director General, Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

  • BCCI has announced Rahul Dravid as the coach of India A team and Indian U 19 cricket team.

  • SpiceJet signed deal with IRCTC to sell tickets to wait listed railway travelers.

  • Former Singapore Foreign Minister Mr. G Yeo will be the new Chancellor of the Nalanda University, the Ministry of External Affairs announced, Mr. Yeo was awarded the Padma Bhushan in the year 2012 in recognition of his contribution in the field of “public affairs.”

  • Former greats Cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly, and VVS Laxman on Monday joined the BCCI in a newly-constituted advisory panel to guide the board in all matters related to the game.

Monday, 1 June 2015

Weekly G.K Updates from (May 22, 2015 - May 31, 2015)

Weekly G.K Updates from (May 22, 2015 - May 31, 2015)

  • IRCTC's ticketing arm now partnered with "My Dala" to provide deals and offers to customers.

  • Indian Air Force IAF's Mirage-2000 successfully test landed on the Yamuna Expressway of U.P

  • Finance Ministry sanctioned Rs. 5233 crore fuel subsity to IOC and BPCL to cover the revenue loss that IOC & BPCL suffered on selling LPG on Government rates.

  • T R Zeliang succeed N Rio and appointed as the new CM of Nagaland.

  • AIADMK general secretary Jaya lalitha was on Saturday sworn in for the fifth time as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu with 28 ministers on May 23, 2015.

  • Kathleen Stephens named Interim US Ambassador to India and will serve charge until a new permanent ambassador is nominated and confirmed by US Govt.

  • 'Infosys' won 'Ashden Award' for Sustainable buildings at Royal Geographical Society, London.

  • 'Greenway Grameen' won 'Ashden  Clean Energy Award' for Women and Girl's.

  • Madhv Mantri, a India's wicket-keeper-batsman in 1950, passed away. He was also president of 'Mumbai Cricket Association'.

  • Indian Film 'Massan' won critics prize at 68th  Cannes film festival

  • India-Singapore bilateral naval exercise "SIMBEX-15" commenced in Singapore.

  • Mercedes driver 'Nico Rosberg' of Germany won 'Monaco Grand Prix' of Formula One

  • Mandeep Kaur won two gold medals at  Women's World Junior Boxing Championship.

  • Manoj Mishra appointed as CMD of National Fertilizers Ltd. (NFL)

  • ICICI launched voice password Facility for Phone Banking which authenticates customers based on their voice pattern and allow them to execute banking through the bank's call center in  secure and convenient manner.

  • Arundhati Bhattacharya, Chanda Kochhar, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw and Shobhana Bhartia have been named in Forbes Magzine's of 12th annual list of World's 100 most powerful women.

  • AIADMK general secretary Jayalalithaa was on Saturday sworn in for the fifth time as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu with 28 ministers.

  • Nirbhay Sharma Sworn-in as Governor of 'Mizoram'.

  • Abhinav Bindra qualified for Rio Olympics 2016 through one of the Olympic quotas.

  • Mumbai Indians crowned IPL 2015 champions after thrashing Chennai Super Kings (CSK) at Eden Gardens.

  • Power Secretary Pradeep Kumar Sinha was appointed as the next Cabinet Secretary of the government. He will succeed Ajit Seth who has been holding the position for the last four years. 

  • Eminent scientist Dr. Selvin Christopher has been appointed as the Director General (DG) of Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) along with the rank of a secretary. 

  • The Finance Ministry announced that the new Service Tax Rate @ 14% would be applicable from 1st June.

  • Former Intelligence Bureau Chief Ajit Kumar Doval, considered one of the finest operational brains, was on Friday appointed as the National Security Adviser (NSA) to Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi.

  • World observed 'No Tobacco Day'  on 31st May.

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Weekly G.K Updates from (May 15,2015 - May 21, 2015)

Weekly G.K Updates from (May 15,2015 - May 21, 2015)

  • PM Modi announced during China's visit that India will grant e-visa to Chinese tourists.

  • SBI launched NFC-Enabled Contact-less DEBIT/CREDIT cards. ICICI & HDFC already launched NFC based cards for Tap& Pay at counters. Know more about NFC Click Here

  • RBI allowed transaction up to 2000 for tap & Pay without any second authentication like PIN or OTP for contact-less cards.

  • Tejaswini Sagar won Gold for Under-15 World School Chess Championship.

  • PM Modi inaugurated first branch of ICICI's in China.

  • Maria Sharapova won women's singles at Rome Masters 2015

  • Timea Babos and Kristina won women's doubles at Rome Masters 2015

  • N. Djokovic won Men's singles at Rome Masters 2015

  • P. Cuevas and D. Marrero won Men's doubles at Rome Masters 2015

  • India announced $1 billion credit to Mongolia for infrastructure development as they agreed to deepen defense corporation besides exploring potential for ties up in areas like civil nuclear sector.

  • Sixth edition of National Conference on Nuclear Energy held in New Delhi. Theme was : Nuclear Energy - a clean energy option.

  • Brad Haddin, Wicket-keeper of Australia announced his retirement from ODI cricket. 

  • Dropdi Murmu sworn in as first woman Governor of Jharkhand.

  • Relience Jio infocom signed pact with Huawei for sourcing 4G devices.

  • Hungarian writer Laszlo Krasznahorkai won Britain's Man Booker International Prize. Krasznahorkai is the author of Satantango (1985), which was later made into a film, The Melancholy of Resistance (1998) and Seiobo There Below (2008).

  • SBI announced partnership with PayPal (a digital payment firm), so that the customers of SBI can now use their debit cards on PayPal for buying products from websites.

  • V.Shanmuganathan sworn in as the Governor of Meghalaya and Yathagata Roy sworn in as the Governor of Tripura.

  • Infosys became first Indian company to join RE100, a global renewable energy campaign who committed to 100% renewable power.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Weekly G.K Updates from (May 8,2015 - May 14,2015)

Weekly G.K Updates from (May 8,2015 - May 14,2015)

  • Jitu Rai won - "Sportsperson of the Year" award at Times of India Sports Award

  • Flying-Sikh Milkha Singh received "Life time achievement" award from Times Group and 'Olympian of the Century'.

  • 'Anchal Kumar Jyoti' appointed as  New Election Commissioner.

  • Jitan Ram Manjhi Announced new party as - Hindstani Awam Morcha (HAM).

  • 'Sakshi Malik' and 'Lalita' won "bronze" in Women's Asian Wrestling Championship in freestyle 60 kg and 55 Kg respectively.

  • 'Shashi Kapoor' has been conferred with Dada Saheb Phalke Award 2014.

  • Book titled 'Unbelievable - Delhi to Islamabad ' written by Prof. Bhim Singh released.

  • 'Navneet Rajan Wasan' appointed as DG of Police R&D Bureau.

  • President Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated 'Namaste Russia' festival in Moscow.

  • Justice Cyriac Joseph appointed as active chairman of NHRC (National Human Rights Commission)

  • Indian born 'Nikhesh Arora' appointed as the President of Japan's Multinational  Telecom and Internet Company Softbank Corp.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

How to Program for using Universal remote of DTH's with Your TV Set?

How to Program for using Universal remote of DTH's with Your TV Set?

Tata Sky/Airtel Digital TV offering Universal Remote with their Set-Top box to get rid-off from the need to hold two remotes in hand to operate TV & STB. Now, with the help of this Universal Remote we can operate both with single remote in hand but to avail this facility firstly we need to configure Universal remote with our TV remote.

Note: Airtel Digital TV/ Tata Sky both allow to program following only 5 buttons listed below

1. Power On/Off
2. Volume Up
3. Volume Down
4. Mute
5. TV Sources AV/HDMI/USB

Steps to program Universal-Remote are:

1. Press Button (OK) in Airtel Digital TV's Remote / Button (Select) in Tata Sky Universal Remote +     Button (2) simultaneously to start remote in  learning mode. LED on Remote will blink twice to         indicate that Remote in now in learning mode.

2. Now Press Volume Up button on STB Remote and place the universal remote and your TV remote     in front of each other i.e. their signal LED should face each other. Make sure the distance between     both remote LED must be between 5 cm. and then press Volume Up button of TV Remote. LED         again will blink twice to show that button is programmed successfully

3. If LED on remote blink 4 time then repeat steps 1,2 again until you get success.

4. Repeat steps 2 for all five button one by one according to your need.

5. At last, Press again Button(OK) / Button (Select) to save settings.

now u can simply operate both TV/ STB with single remote  to operate both TV/STB.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Weekly G.K Updates (May 1,2015 - May 7,2015)

Weekly G.K Updates  (May 1,2015 - May 7,2015) 

  • Canera Bank inked MoU with LIC, India and United India Insurance for offering "Pradhan Mantri Jeven Jyoti Yojna" and "Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojna" Insurance.

  • India on way to extend "E-tourist Visa" Scheme to more 31 countries on nine designated Indian Airports.

  • Dr. Pramod Patil and Dr. Aanand Kumar won "Whitely Award" for wild life conservation of 2015.

  • Seychelles became 161th member of WTO. It had applied for membership in 1995. Seychelles is the smallest nation among all WTO members.

  • Nitin Gadkari, Union Ministry of Road Transport & Highway announced two Major Highway projects in North-East.

  • CRPF has decided to adopt karikat village in Nepal to help in reconstruction after earth-quack.

  • Indra Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) won Airport Service quality award in the category of handling 30-40 million passengers per an-um.

  • Tenis player Rafel Nadel received Golden Medal for Merit in Work. Golden medal is one of the top civilian hon-our of Spain.

  • IPS officer Surendra Singh took over Director General  of CISF.

  • A book by Poonam Surie titled "China - Confucius in the Shadows" released.

  • Four Indians to be confered with "Spring Imperial Decorations of Japan" in different categories i.e. Thottuvelil Krishna Pillai Aiyappankutty Nair and Chintanmani Nagesa Ramchndran Rao in The orders of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Stars and Nikunjh Parekh in The orders of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays and Topgay Bhutiya in The orders of the Sacred Treasure, Gold and Silver Rays.

  • World Press Freedom day observed globally on May 3,2015

  • Railway Sports Promotion Board (RSPB) girls team won 5th National Hockey Championship title.

  • Akash Missile system inducted in Indian Army. Akash is an Surface-to-Air short range missile developed by Defense Research Development Laboratory.

  • Microsoft India unveiled  Edu-cloud to offer digital learning and teaching in schools through virtual learning platforms in India.

  • Actor Salman Khan sentenced five years Jail for Hit-n-Run Case. He has been allowed to go home till Friday, when HC will hear his appeal for bail.

  • World Asthma Day observed globally on May 5, 2015.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Weekly G.K Updates from (April 22,2015 - April 30,2015)

Weekly G.K Updates from (April 22,2015 - April 30,2015)

  • Sesa Sterlite renamed as "Vedhanta Ltd" for better identity worldwide. Sesa Sterlite is subsidiary of Vedanta Resources PIc. Hindustan Zinc and BALCO also are the subsidiaries of Vedhanta Ltd.

  • National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC), responsible for appointment and transfer of judges in India headed by the H.L.Dattu. H.L.Dattu is Chief Justice of India.

  • The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) has accorded approval to two national parks as Tiger reserves i.e Rajaji National Park, Uttrakhand and Kudermukh National Park,Karnataka.

  • International Earth Day observed globally on April 22,2015

  • Indian Railway launched mobile application for  paper less unreserved tickets in some sections of Southern Railway Zone.

  • Shahrukh Khan honored with Dadasaheb Phalke film foundation Award,2015

  • Rajkumar Rao won prestigious award for Film "City-lights".

  • Union Cabinet meeting chaired by PM, Modi has approved lowering of age of juveniles from 18 > 16 years for crimes.

  • Indian origin's American "Vivek Murthy" became Surgeon General of U.S Public Health Commission Corps.

  • National Panchayati Raj Day was observed across India on April 24,2015

  • World Maleriya Day was observed on April 25,2015 globally.

  • Japan will host 2015 and 2016 editions of the FIFA club World Cup.

  • Bank of Baroda has tied up with UAE Exchange to offer Instant Money Transfer to its NRI custmor.

  • Ratan Tata has acquired a stack in Xiaomi. Xiaomi is an China based Smart Phone Maker company standing parallel to  Tech Giants i.e Apple and Samsung.

  • Anil Kapoor awarded by prestigious Master Deenanath Mangeshkar Award 2015.

  • Marathi Novelist "Bhalchandra Nemade" awarded as the 50th Jnanpith Award by PM Modi.

  • Bhartiya Mahila Bank has won the Asian Bankers Achievement Award in the Technology implemetation category.

  • BCCI (The board of control for cricket in India) has nominated Rohit Sharma for Arjun Award,2015. Arjun Award are given by Ministry of Youth affairs and Sports to recognize outstanding achievement in National Sports.

  • AP Government appointed Chandalavada Krishnamurthy as Chairman of Tirumala Tripati Devasthanam (TTD)

  • New Recruitment - Loretta Lynch sworn-in as  Attorney General of US.

  • Lin Dan of China won Men's title of Badminton Asia Championships 2015.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Importance and Role of Twelfth House of Astrology

Importance and Role of Twelfth House of Astrology:

Planet Neptune is the ruler of Twelfth House/Bhava and its natural sign ruler is Pisces. The Twelfth house can be titled as "House of Secrets".

The fourth House/Bhava help to understand about what is hidden or below the surface, invisible weaknesses invisible strength, personal affairs,status of sex life of person, luxury the individual will enjoy in his/her life.

There are only 10 planets in Astrology for interpretation about someone's characteristics & appearance, they are SUN, MOON, MARS, MERCURY, VENUS, JUPITER, URANUS, NEPTUNE, PLUTO, SATURN . There are 12 Houses/Bhavas in birth chart, some of them are occupied by above mentioned planets & some of them remain empty.In case, If there is no planet in any of house, such situation indicates that person don't have any concern about what that house represents.

Importance and Role of Eleventh House in Astrology

Importance and Role of Eleventh House in Astrology:

Planet Uranus is the ruler of Eleventh House/Bhava and its natural sign ruler is Aquarius. The Eleventh House can be titled as "House of Friends".

The Eleventh House/Bhava help to understand about friends, Groups, dreams of the person, Income form Gambling & Investments. 

There are only 10 planets in Astrology for interpretation about someone's characteristics & appearance, they are SUN, MOON, MARS, MERCURY, VENUS, JUPITER, URANUS, NEPTUNE, PLUTO, SATURN . There are 12 Houses/Bhava in birth chart, some of them are occupied by above mentioned planets & some of them remain empty.In case, If there is no planet in any of house, such situation indicates that person don't have any concern about what that house represents.

To understand the effects of planets situated in Twelfth House of Birth-chart:

Importance and Role of Twelfth House in Astrology

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Weekly G.K Updates from (April 15,2015 - April 21,2015)

Weekly G.K Updates from (April 15,2015 - April 21,2015):

  • ICICI Bank with Tech Mahindra launched first "NFC" based "Tap-n-Pay" service, enabling customer make over the counter payment without using cash. It can be used for merchant payment by taping a NFC enabled mobile phone or a tag on the counter. To know more about How does NFC works :  <<Click Here>>

  • Union Ministry of Home affairs renamed Tourist Visa on Arrival-Electronic Travel Authorization "TVoA-ETA" to "e-Tourist" visa from April,15 2015.

  • Justice Meenakshi Madan Rai became the first lady chief justice of Sikkim High Court.

  • Zomato acquired to MaplePOS, MaplePOS is a cloud based selling point of product for restaurant.

  • Asia Cup 2016 will now be played in form of T20 instead of 50 overs.

  • Sachin Tendulkar elected as member for Laureus Sports academy, Shanghai.

  • BHEL (Bharat HEavy Electricals limited) inked a MoU with Russian firm INTMA to setup a gas based project in Kazakhastan.

  • Leaders of Six Janta Pariwar parties announced merger into one larger entity. Mulayam Singh Yadav will head this new party with 15 members in Lok Sabha and 30 member in Rajya sabha.

  • PM, Modi inked deal with Stephen Harper about Uranium. Comeco Corporation will supply 3000 tons urenium in next five years for $254 millions.

  • 1981 batch IFS officer Mohan Kumar has been appointed the next ambessdor to France.

  • Indian Origin CEO of Microsoft 'Satya Nadela' can get award "Champions of Change" by Obama.

  • PM Modi, won year's reader poll TIME Person of the years.

  • ECNU, the most prestigious university of China announced to appoint  Dr. Vishal Sikka,  CEO of Infosys as a advisory professor at ECNU (East China Normal University)

  • World Heritage Day on April 18, is now observed globally to create awareness about cultural heritage across the world.

  • NRI industrialists Hinduja Brothers have won the Business Leader of the year 2015 award at prestigious 5th Asian Awards

  • Vankdarath Saritha, a 30 year old woman inducted in DTC (Delhi Transport Corporation) as a first woman Bus driver.

  • Aashish Jhakar from Harayana, won Gold Medal in 12th National Youth Athletics Championship held in Bambolim, Goa  in Hammer throw.

  • The Kerla Govt. launched  "Subodham" to help people in the state to overcome alcohol, drug and other substance.

  • BHEL commissioned 250 MW thermal unit in Jamnagar, Gujrat.

  • After Phillip Hughes, Former Bengal U-19 captain Ankit Keshri succumbs on field injury.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Importance and Role of Tenth House in Astrology

Importance and Role of Tenth House in Astrology:

Planet Saturn is the ruler of Tenth House/Bhava and its natural sign ruler is Capricorn. The Tenth House can be titled as "House of Profession".

The Tenth House/Bhava help to understand about Social Status, Respect, Carrier, Profession, Responsibility, Relations with Co-workers will be Good or Bad. The Strong SUN in tenth house represent that native will get benefit from government.

There are only 10 planets in Astrology for interpretation about someone's characteristics & appearance, they are SUN, MOON, MARS, MERCURY, VENUS, JUPITER, URANUS, NEPTUNE, PLUTO, SATURN . There are 12 Houses/Bhavas in birth chart, some of them are occupied by above mentioned planets & some of them remain empty.In case, If there is no planet in any of house, such situation indicates that person don't have any concern about what that house represents.

To understand the effects of planets situated in Eleventh house of Birth-chart:

Importance and Role of Eleventh House in Astrology

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Importance and Role of Ninth House of Astrology

Importance and Role of Ninth House of Astrology:

Planet Jupiter is the ruler of Ninth House/Bhava and its natural sign ruler is Sagittarius. The Ninth House can be titles as "House of Philosophy".

The Ninth House/Bhava help to understand about Philosophy, Spirituality, Foreign Journey, Luck for his/her destiny, level of fortune. The native with strong ninth house can be preachers.

There are only 10 planets in Astrology for interpretation about someone's characteristics & appearance, they are SUN, MOON, MARS, MERCURY, VENUS, JUPITER, URANUS, NEPTUNE, PLUTO, SATURN . There are 12 Houses/Bhavas in birth chart, some of them are occupied by above mentioned planets & some of them remain empty.In case, If there is no planet in any of  house, such situation indicates that person don't have any concern about what that house represents.

To understand the effects of planets situated in Tenth House :