Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Top 3 alternatives of carrying removable drive in pocket...!!!

Top 3 alternatives of carrying removable drive in pocket...!!!

Carrying Pen drive or Removable disk everywhere in pocket means carrying tech-viruses in pocket to infect PC to PC. This fashion has both pros and con. The pros of using external devices as a storage solution far outweigh its cons. Main  advantage of this kind of storage device is its portability being a separate device from your PCs. So, you can use it anywhere you are without the need to bring your desktop PCs with you.
With the increasing use of Cloud storage, pen drives and other storage mediums are less preferred. In today’s scenario with high internet usage affording internet connections, smart phones and carrying data is not so difficult.
Because of the recent technological development, in order to carry large data we need not to carry any physical storage device with us, the only requirement is a Smartphone and an active data connection. This is the best and most preferred alternative which is commonly known as cloud –storage. Cloud Storage is type of digital storage at hosting companies’ server. Which is more secure safer and far away from the risk of stolen and infection from viruses. Some examples of cloud storage are listed below...

1. Google Drive
2. One Drive

3. Dropbox

Above mentioned alternative are available on both desktop and mobile platform. To use this in your smart phones you need to install their app from app stores. After installing app and registration you will be able to logon to access your data safely. In windows platform of desktop you can install its application to directly access them from your explorer as drive.

Process to Set-up and Pros are explained below:

Google Drive:  Google drive is freely available up-to a limit of 15 GB for everyone, the thing you need to avail it is an account on Google.

---> Click to avail:  Google-Drive <---

then, Install Google Drive on your Smartphone and computer to access and to keep your file safe with it.

One Drive: One drive is also freely available up-to a limit of 15 GB for everyone, the thing you need to avail it is an account on Microsoft.

---> Click to avail:  One-drive <---

then, Install One drive on your smartphone and you can access via. office 360, directly from explorer in window 10.

Drop-Box:  Drop-Box provide 2 GB free storage @ time of registration to users. The thing you need to avail it an account on Drop-Box.

---> Click to avail:   Drop-Box <---

lateron you can access services from your smartphone, computer, web browser. Its avail for Android, IOS, Mac Os, Windows.

except above named services there are more options are available like:  SugarSync, I-cloud, SUN, Source, Amazon Web Services, IBM, 3tera, OpenD, EMC, vmware etc ....etc...aprox 100 companies.

Note: Above mentioned name are only for explanation. there is no advertising in any manner. This is based on personal experience and its only for awareness.  Companies policies may change according them, Read carefully before use. I am not responsible for any controversies. 

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