Importance and Role of the First House in Astrology
Planet Mars, is the ruler of First House/Bhava and its natural sign ruler is Aries. The first house can be titled as "House of Self" is the cusp of new beginning of Kundali or Birth-chart.
The first house/bhava of Lagan-Kundali help to understand about the Physical appearance, Characteristics, tendencies of that person.
There are only 10 planets in Astrology for interpretation about someone's characteristics & appearance, they are SUN, MOON, MARS, MERCURY, VENUS, JUPITER, URANUS, NEPTUNE, PLUTO, SATURN . There are 12 Houses/Bhavas in birth chart, some of them are occupied by above mentioned planets & some of them remain empty.In case, If there is no planet in any of house, such situation indicates that person don't have any concern about what that house represents.
In case, If there is no planet in first house, it could indicates that person don't have any concern about his/her Ego, first impression , general outlook into the world and etc.
To learn more about Houses & their effects on Physical Surrounding and their role in astrology, reach to my next article:
Importance and Role of Second House in Astrology
Importance and Role of Second House in Astrology
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